HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
I have 2 Excel workbooks and I am using Excel 2013. Can someone take a look a see what I am doing wrong. Thanks!
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Datafile, File, Folder As String
Dim RetVal, FirstRow As Integer
Datafile = "Ram Elements Data.xls"
File = "Ram Elements Bentley Launch-NO.xls"
Folder = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Launch").Range("A14").Value
'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Folder & "\" & Datafile
'Dim DLoop As Integer
FirstRow = Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range("D1").Value
Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow, 1).Value = Now() & " " & Environ("username")
'Display 4 rows of "Data" on "Launch" sheet, rows 5-8
Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range(Cells(FirstRow - 3, 1), Cells(FirstRow, 2)).Copy _
'For DLoop = 1 To 4
'Worksheets("Launch").Cells(DLoop + 4, 1).Value = Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow - 4 + DLoop, 1).Value
'Worksheets("Launch").Cells(DLoop + 4, 2).Value = Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow - 4 + DLoop, 2).Value
'Next DLoop
Workbooks(Datafile).Close SaveChanges:=True
Dim FileNumber, fName As String
Kill Folder & "\Ram Elements EXIT.txt"
fName = Folder & "\Ram Elements IN USE.txt"
FileNumber = FreeFile ' Get unused file number.
Open fName For Output As #FileNumber ' Open file
Write #FileNumber, Now() & " " & Environ("username")
Close #FileNumber ' Close file.
' Program is now being used and file IN USE is written
' Run Ram Elements program
'RetVal = Shell("C:\RamElem.cmd", 1)
' Run Dummy Test program
RetVal = Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeAlarmClock\FreeAlarmClock.exe", 1)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Datafile, File, Folder As String
Dim RetVal, FirstRow As Integer
Datafile = "Ram Elements Data.xls"
File = "Ram Elements Bentley Launch-NO.xls"
Folder = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Launch").Range("A14").Value
'Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Folder & "\" & Datafile
'Dim DLoop As Integer
FirstRow = Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range("D1").Value
Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow, 1).Value = Now() & " " & Environ("username")
'Display 4 rows of "Data" on "Launch" sheet, rows 5-8
Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range(Cells(FirstRow - 3, 1), Cells(FirstRow, 2)).Copy _
'For DLoop = 1 To 4
'Worksheets("Launch").Cells(DLoop + 4, 1).Value = Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow - 4 + DLoop, 1).Value
'Worksheets("Launch").Cells(DLoop + 4, 2).Value = Worksheets("Data").Cells(FirstRow - 4 + DLoop, 2).Value
'Next DLoop
Workbooks(Datafile).Close SaveChanges:=True
Dim FileNumber, fName As String
Kill Folder & "\Ram Elements EXIT.txt"
fName = Folder & "\Ram Elements IN USE.txt"
FileNumber = FreeFile ' Get unused file number.
Open fName For Output As #FileNumber ' Open file
Write #FileNumber, Now() & " " & Environ("username")
Close #FileNumber ' Close file.
' Program is now being used and file IN USE is written
' Run Ram Elements program
'RetVal = Shell("C:\RamElem.cmd", 1)
' Run Dummy Test program
RetVal = Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeAlarmClock\FreeAlarmClock.exe", 1)
End Sub
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
DataArray = Range("input_data").Value
' Create output array, OutAtrray.
Range("output_data").Value = OutArray
Doug Jenkins
Interactive Design Services
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
The "Range.Copy" line that hangs it up is shown here:
Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range(Cells(FirstRow - 3, 1), Cells(FirstRow, 2)).Copy _
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
Debug.Print Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data").Range(Cells(FirstRow - 3, 1), Cells(FirstRow, 2))
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
It is exactly what I want copied. "Firstrow" is a counter used to locate the next row of new data. The data consists of two time/user stamps in Column A (1) and B (2). So, I am copying the last 3 rows of old data and the current row of new data to my spreadsheet.
For example: If Firstrow = 114,
Then I would be copying A111:B114 from my data workbook to the workbook I am using.
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
I may be wrong, but I thought the destination might need to be the same size range, like A5:B8?
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
I'm new to VBA. I just watched a youtube video to find out what the immediate window is and how to use it. I'll have to try it. Thanks!
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
I found another window page called "Locals" that was helpful. I finally got the Range problem solved. It's working fine now, but I'm not sure why though. I found a similar "With" statement that makes it work.
Dim rngSource As Range
With Workbooks(Datafile).Worksheets("Data")
Set rngSource = .Range(.Cells(FirstRow - 3, 1), .Cells(FirstRow, 2))
End With
'Display 4 rows of "Data" on "Launch" sheet, rows 5-8
rngSource.Copy Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Launch").Range("A5")
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
CODE -->
RE: HELP! VBA hangs up copying a range from one workbook to another
Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!