Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
Appreciate some references on pavement design for tracked vehicles (specifically military use).
- How do you design for abrasion? Use of polypropylene fibres or steel fibres?? Any surface coatings???
- Mix design: Min 40 Mpa, water/cement ratio, aggregate sizes and type??
- What to look out for in regard to placement and finishing.
Cant seem to find any military standards on this.
- How do you design for abrasion? Use of polypropylene fibres or steel fibres?? Any surface coatings???
- Mix design: Min 40 Mpa, water/cement ratio, aggregate sizes and type??
- What to look out for in regard to placement and finishing.
Cant seem to find any military standards on this.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
For abrasion resistance I would be careful with the concrete mix design...keep the w/c low and require good placement techniques. Use the largest coarse aggregate you can justify to keep shrinkage down. If you want to add fiber, use steel fibers. Poly fibers are worthless for abrasion.
I would also "armor" the joints. I used 4x4x3/8" angle on every joint. Make sure the joint opening is kept small so you don't get tracks caught in the joint.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
Ron is correct, armor the expansion joint. I think you shall minimize/eliminate the construction/cold joint through construction planning and management. I think AASHTO shall have excellent guidance on joints design, also surface roughness and methods of finishing.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
Ron - How would you "armor" the joints with the 4x4x3/8" angle?? is it an angle plate along the full length of the joint?? A sketch would be nice :)
Much appreciate all you nice folks.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
In highly trafficked and regular turning areas, don’t the often embed steel plates or rails in the conc. slab? They are, or quickly become, the wearing surface or riding surface for the tracks or grousers on the tracks.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
I will try to post a sketch of an armored joint sometime today.
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .
RE: Rigid pavement (parking area) design for tracked vehicles .