How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
Front suspension from a motorcycle. The elements of the front suspension are imported from Parasolid and the compounds are specified.
The rear double wishbone suspension is taken from the Adams templates.
For further research of the vehicle it is necessary to combine the front and rear suspension. Importing the front suspension to .cmd gives errors in Adams.Car. How to combine suspension? If you fail to do this in Adams.Car, how to test the vehicle in Adams.View?
The rear double wishbone suspension is taken from the Adams templates.
For further research of the vehicle it is necessary to combine the front and rear suspension. Importing the front suspension to .cmd gives errors in Adams.Car. How to combine suspension? If you fail to do this in Adams.Car, how to test the vehicle in Adams.View?
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
So, look in ADAMS/Car and see if there is a suitable front motorbike suspension. If so then modify it with your geometry and component values.
If there isn't, then you can either build one in template builder, or build the whole thing in /View.
Greg Locock
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RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
Greg Locock
New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
Need to analyze the trike.
How does Adams.View combine 2 files with saving connections? When importing from command file .cmd, there is no selection of the file to which you want to import.
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
Greg Locock
New here? Try reading these, they might help FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
Could you give examples of how these works are performed in Adams.View and explain what this error is connected with.
Measure VARVAL(29), requested in call from DIFSUB(2, 903, 1, 0, 1, 2, 29, -20000, 40000, -250, 250, 1, 1, 1)
ERROR: acf_act_con_loa: Error accessing the feedback VARIABLE value
ID = 2
ERROR: Encountered error "
Adams Solver (C++) run terminating due to STOP requested by user.
" while processing user subroutine for asdasdzxcxc.testrig.left_vertical_controller
ERROR: Abnormal termination encountered in Adams Solver.
RE: How to combine models of front and rear suspension created in Adams?
About how the test can be organized in Aview. Nothing prevents to imitate the simplest case of vertical loading, fixing the suspension to the ground and setting the force / movement on the wheel or whatever you have there.