UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
I threw together this UDF (code below), based on a previous (closed) thread's discussion...
I have been running it through a XLAM add-in for a few months, now. And it's generally working the way I want it to. The only major issue I've been running into is that sometimes when switching between worksheets that contain cells that use the UDF, the UDF is not recalculating automatically when switching worksheets. For example, input UDF in cell on Worksheet1, switch to Worksheet2, do something, switch back to Worksheet (image results below)...
I have been forcing the workbook to recalculate, for the time being, but can anyone suggest a better way of dealing with it? (besides making it volatile)
The UDF code...
I have been running it through a XLAM add-in for a few months, now. And it's generally working the way I want it to. The only major issue I've been running into is that sometimes when switching between worksheets that contain cells that use the UDF, the UDF is not recalculating automatically when switching worksheets. For example, input UDF in cell on Worksheet1, switch to Worksheet2, do something, switch back to Worksheet (image results below)...
I have been forcing the workbook to recalculate, for the time being, but can anyone suggest a better way of dealing with it? (besides making it volatile)
'Callback for customButton1 onAction Sub Macro1(control As IRibbonControl) ' as of March 2018, the AddrToVal UDF sometimes needs to be kickstarted ' .ForceFullCalculation is the rough equivalent of Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 ' https://fastexcel.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/excel-forcefullcalculation-trading-off-editing-speed-vs-calculation-speed/ ActiveWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = _ Not (ActiveWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation) Application.Calculate ActiveWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation = _ Not (ActiveWorkbook.ForceFullCalculation) End Sub
The UDF code...
Option Explicit 'Require that all variables are explicitly defined. Public Function AddrToVal(rCell As Range) As String '================================================================== ' This UDF is similar to the standard Excel FORMULATEXT() function, ' but it displays the cell values/contents instead of the cell address '================================================================== ' USE / CELL ENTRY ' =AddrToVal(cell address) '================================================================== 'Application.Volatile Dim i As Integer, p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer Dim Form As String, eval As String Dim r As Range Form = rCell.Formula Form = Replace(Form, "$", "") AddrToVal = "=" p1 = 2 For i = 2 To Len(Form) Select Case Mid(Form, i, 1) 'Case "(", ")", ",", "+", "-", "*", "/", ":", "&", "^" Case "'*'!", "(", ")", ",", "+", "-", "*", "/", ":", "&", "^" GoSub Evaluate End Select Next GoSub Evaluate Exit Function Evaluate: p2 = i - 1 eval = Mid(Form, p1, p2 - p1 + 1) On Error Resume Next Set r = Range(eval) If Err.Number = 0 Then 'AddrToVal = AddrToVal & Range(eval).Value & Mid(Form, i, 1) AddrToVal = AddrToVal & Range(eval).Text & Mid(Form, i, 1) Else AddrToVal = AddrToVal & eval & Mid(Form, i, 1) Err.Clear End If On Error GoTo 0 p1 = i + 1 Return End Function
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
See Link, for info on the workbook activate event.
See Link, for how to store variable in memory and retrieve them.
I have come across a similar issue with some of my macros, when they are finished certain UDF's don't recalculate. I simply solved it by adding an Application.Calculate within the subs that cause an issue.
Check for other routines that change values on the sheet on which the UDF in question relies on, its an excel 'feature' that the UDF doesn't update if you change values of inputs on the sheet using VBA.
I know its not a solution, but it may take out some of the issues with having to manually recognise and deal with the issue each time it occurs.
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
I would think that I'd need to have a Workbook_Activate (for instance) sit inside of my XLAM (ThisWorkbook), but that doesn't seem to be getting triggered when switching sheets in another workbook (XLSX).
...in the very little amount of time that I've spent playing with it...
I haven't had a chance to look into this, yet, but it sounds like it MIGHT be something along the right line:
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
So you would need to turn workbook into a .XLSM and add the code there.
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
I put an event handler and a connector macro (whatever that is) in the XLAM add-in. And I was able to trigger them by events (changing between worksheets, etc.) in a separate workbook (XLSX) and automatically run a simple macro residing in the XLAM.
The "issue" that I kept running into was that I had to manually run the connector macro every time I closed and restarted Excel.
So I want to look into that more when I have the time and ambition.
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
Have you tried calling the 'connector macro' from the Addins workbook_open event? That will run it every time you open excel.
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
I haven't played with the connector, yet. I was just happy and surprised that I got the events triggering, but I'll have to look into the workbook_open route.
RE: UDF not recalculating when switching b/t worksheets...?
I added the events that I want to trigger in a new class module.
CODE --> module
And then I added connector macro in a typical code module. For some reason, so far, this macro needs to be run every time excel is started in order for the events to trigger in the class module.
CODE --> module
Once you create the event application (I called it myAppEvent) in the class module, you can select it from the LEFT DROP-DOWN menu and then all of the available procedures can be selected from the RIGHT DROP-DOWN menu.