I've been sorting through our inven
I've been sorting through our inven
I've been sorting through our inventory and came across this. No one here can identify it. Does anyone know what this is? 3" Stainless flange with a hard rubber insert, 2 metal tabs on the insert, 1 wire coming out of the tap.
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
Are the two metal tabs to keep the rubber in place?
Keith Cress
kcress - http://www.flaminsystems.com
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
The rubber is glued in place
I thought the tabs might be for continuity or a ground connection.
I suppose it could be a pressure sensor using a strain gauge. It’s not a pressure diaphragm. No pressure tap and the rubber is as hard as a hockey puck. I thought a flow sensor or meter more likely
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
Another possibility; Does your facility process conductive fluids?
Keith Cress
kcress - http://www.flaminsystems.com
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
That's my best guess
Are the two tabs electrically connected and on the inside of the pipe?
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
Keith Cress
kcress - http://www.flaminsystems.com
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven
RE: I've been sorting through our inven