NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
Hi all, I guess I should start out with saying I first took both the Gen. Plans and Hydraulics portion of Level 3 in the same day last year. Yeah, big mistake!!! I didn't have much help when it came to studying for this and figured since levels 1 and 2 weren't that hard, I thought I could pass them both in the first try. Anyways, so I took a step back, waited a year and used the Firetech level 3 general plans online study material. Two weeks ago, I took the test and failed again. I thought I was prepared, felt confident, passed the end tests from firetech with 86% both times. Took the test and I didn't pass. So, my question is has anyone taken the individual Continuing Education Courses like the Fundamentals of Standpipe Systems NFPA 14, etc....? I'm wondering if the individual courses provide more information and more sample questions than the study material for the Water Based NICET General Plans? Hopefully this makes sense... what I'm wondering is that are the individual courses more in-depth than the water based NICET study material. Thanks for any help or info on this. Definitely been tough keeping my head up after this last failed attempt.
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
Also, don't let failing get you down. Read through some of the other threads about this topic. Level 3 seems to be the one everyone stumbles on, and with persistence, you can/will pass. Lots of guys in this forum, myself included, have failed at one point or another. Use it to motivate you to kick ass next time!
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
If you are an AFSA member, I did a webinar for them on Racking and building heights. I believe it may still be accessible. That may be of some benefit to help you organize the chapters for what you may need.
Travis Mack
MFP Design, LLC
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RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
RE: NICET Lvl 3 Water Based Gen Plans Study tips
bmlxd40: I have not taken the practice test for Level 3. So I'm not sure if they are a valid representation of the actual test questions. If you have, let me know because I know first hand that these test questions are tricky and I know I wasted too much time reading the questions. It would be a benefit to have questions like that to practice beforehand.