Wood Bin Wall Design
Wood Bin Wall Design
Been asked to look into a project for expansion at a feedmill. Typical construction of the walls that allow storage of commodities and fertilizers is attached and has been used on numerous projects; design by others. When I look at the typical wall section, this looks like a viable option at first. The design incorporates, wood bending members that are simply supported and resisted by steel tension members (rods) that prevent the walls from "blowing out." When I run some quick numbers on this, the stud members at the lower sections fail in shear and/or bending due to the hydrostatic loading. Has anyone else dabbled in design of these type of walls or have any comments/suggestions for design. I know the easy solution is to increase the stud member size (width/depth) or decrease member lengths, but am trying hard not to do this since the bin design is not changing drastically from previous designs. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Wood Bin Wall Design
Based on the Left Endwall Elevation and (A) Wall Detail, it appears that the wooden walls are above grade since the 4-foot concrete wall is shown at grade in the Left Endwall Elevation drawing.
p.s. You might want to post this in one of the Structural Engineers forums since this forum (Agricultural engineering other topics) hardly sees any traffic/