Burn-up unit of measure
Burn-up unit of measure
In old publications from the 80's and 90's I find the burn-up expressed in "a/o".
For example it reads that a certain fuel rod has reached a burn-up of 6.2 a/o.
What does it mean ? How can I convert this a/o in MWd/kg HM ?
Thanks in advance.
For example it reads that a certain fuel rod has reached a burn-up of 6.2 a/o.
What does it mean ? How can I convert this a/o in MWd/kg HM ?
Thanks in advance.
RE: Burn-up unit of measure
RE: Burn-up unit of measure
Searching on the internet I found that "a/o" means "total atom per cent". A colleague of mine told me that "a/o" corresponds to what is called "%FIMA", that is, "fissions per initial metal atom": the percentage of atoms of heavy metal having undergone fission. This includes also the fissionable nuclei.
If you google after "total atom percent" you can find a little bit of information.
Thanks anyway for the answer.
RE: Burn-up unit of measure
From the Measurement of burnup section of the Wiki write up:
Converting between percent and energy/mass requires knowledge of κ, the thermal energy released per fission event. A typical value is 193.7 MeV (3.1×10−11 J) of thermal energy per fission (see Nuclear fission). With this value, the maximum burnup of 100%, which includes fissioning not just fissile content but also the other fissionable nuclides, is equivalent to about 909 GWd/t. Nuclear engineers often use this to roughly approximate 10% burnup as just less than 100 GWd/t.
Hope this helps.