Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser
Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser
Normally wash water is used to wash ammonium and cynaide salts in overhead vapour line (upstream of condenser) in Delayed coker fractionator.Is it technically feasible /viable to replace this stream with hydrocarbon instead of water.
RE: Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser
Process Engineer, MSChE
RE: Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser
Thanks in advanced.
RE: Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser
By injecting liquid hydrocarbon that is supposed to evaporate upon injection, you are effectively reducing partial pressure of water which further reduces condensation temperature of water, meaning that you would need to cool the entire stream much below the temperature that is sufficient for water condensation in the case when liquid water is injected. The main problem (or drawback) of wash water injection in general is that LMTD of the overhead condenser is reduced, resulting in reduced condenserperformance. Injecting hydrocarbons would make things worse, and would not solve your problem.
Process Engineer, MSChE
RE: Replacement of wash water with hydrocarbon at Upstream of Coker fractionator overhead condenser