Service Prices...
Service Prices...
How much can I recieve for a structural design of 1000 sq meters?
Is there a price for sq meters?
How much worth a structural design with all specs sheets?
Is there a price for sq meters?
How much worth a structural design with all specs sheets?
RE: Service Prices...
If you are considering an hourly rate, remember that you will need about 3 to 4 times the salary rate you expect in order to cover your costs (downtime, non-reimbursed expenses, insurance, etc.), so if you want to pay yourself $25 per hour, charge $75 to $100 per hour to cover everything. If your costs are low (working out of your house, etc.) you can get by on a salary multiplier of 2 or 3 times the expected salary rate. Set your hourly rate at something close to the rate charged by other similar practictioners in your area. This allows all to make a reasonable fee, keeps you in line with the local "Standard of Care" argument for liability purposes, and keeps peace among the locals.
I am assuming you are properly licensed to do the work. If not, don't attempt the work.
RE: Service Prices...
For an installation of an indutrial plant, the prices for a complete sructural design, with foundation location and detailing sheets(02), reinforced concrete sheets for colums(4), beams(5), slabs detailing sheet(02) and trusses detailing sheet(3) costs about US$ 3.000,00 (R$ 6.000,00).
Thanks a lot
RE: Service Prices...
These are the prices (without taxes) for a regular building of eigth plants (total 1000 m2) :
-Structural proyect and Calculum : aprox. u$s 1 /m2
-All the structural details (CAD plans, sheets, specifications, etc.)and technical assesment during the execution : aprox. u$s 1.6 /m2
Cheers and Happy New year