SW Equations
SW Equations
Can anybody help me with using Inverse Sine & Cosine in Sw equations?. I can find reference to Inverse Tan (atn) in the manual but no reference to either abbreviation or syntax of the other two.
Maybe there is a mathematical work around but it's a complex eqn. sin^ -1 would be easier!.
Maybe there is a mathematical work around but it's a complex eqn. sin^ -1 would be easier!.
RE: SW Equations
tan = sin / cos
atn = (sin^-1) / (cos^-1)
sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
Although it is not as easy as using asin, you should be able to get your equations in terms of atan.
RE: SW Equations
I'm not sure how to use the info you gave me.
This is my formulae
x = (((D12+10)/2)/(D6-((D12+10)/2)))asin.2
It is for finding the angle of two circle centers(circle diam = D12) with a chord distance on a PCD.
PCD is a function of an OD circle (D6) minus (1/2 of one circle diam (D12)+ 5)
Chord distance is (D12+10)
The angle is to insert into the circular pattern comand.
As you can see I'm not a mathematician! maybe you know an easier soln.?