Rack & Pinion vs. Ball Screw
Rack & Pinion vs. Ball Screw
Can anyone give the pros and cons of using a rack and pinion versus a ball screw drive for a slide table? The table may weigh as much as 1700lb fully loaded. The design goal is a ~15 inch index in ~0.4 seconds.
With the rack and pinion I am primarily concerned with the backlash. I do not want to spend the money on the typical 2 servo and 2 pinion drive to control the backlash. Yet I am trying to avoid using a lock pin for precise positioning.
The ball screw can give the positioning I want, but I am unsure about the index speed. I am also worried about the design life of the ball screw compared to the gear drive.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
With the rack and pinion I am primarily concerned with the backlash. I do not want to spend the money on the typical 2 servo and 2 pinion drive to control the backlash. Yet I am trying to avoid using a lock pin for precise positioning.
The ball screw can give the positioning I want, but I am unsure about the index speed. I am also worried about the design life of the ball screw compared to the gear drive.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
RE: Rack & Pinion vs. Ball Screw
The rack and pinion will can give you high accuracy positioning. You can machine them to tight tolerances or even run a linear scale along the system to position off of it. The speed & load of the rack & pinion can be very econimical.
With the 15 inches in 0.4 seconds spec, if using a 1/3 trap move, a Max Velocity of 56.25 in/sec and an Acceleration rate of 421.875 in/sec^2 or 1.1g's. Your ball screw is going to see thrusts close to 2000lbs. I can tell you that it is going to be a large screw if want life and the speeds. Call some screw mfgs and ask them what they think.
Cameron Anderson
Sales & Applications Engineer
Aerotech, Inc
St. Paul, MN
"Dedicated to the Science of Motion"