addition or deletions of backing
addition or deletions of backing
If a welder qualifies to AWS with backing, is he qualified to weld without backing? The welder who is not qualified to weld (CJP) without backing, the grove side, then flipped it over and backgouged and then welded the other side. Is this allowed?
RE: addition or deletions of backing
RE: addition or deletions of backing
RE: addition or deletions of backing
Changes beyond the limitation of essential variables
for welders, welding operators, or tack welders shown in
Table 4.10 shall require requalification.
4.23 CJP Groove Welds for
Nontubular Connections
See Table 4.8 for the position requirements for welder
or welding operator qualification on nontubular connections.
Note that qualification on joints with backing qualifies
for welding production joints that are backgouged
and welded from the second side.
Table 4.10
Essential Variable Changes to WPQR Requiring Requalification Welders (Note 6 and 7) Tack Welders
(1) To a process not qualified (GMAW-S is considered a separate process) X X X
(2) To an SMAW electrode with an F-number (see Table 4.11) higher than the X X
WPQR electrode F-number
(3) To an electrode and shielding medium combination not approved by an AWS X X X
AS document
(4) To a position not qualified X X X
(Note 3)
(5) To a diameter or thickness not qualified X X
(Note 4) (Note 4)
(6) To a vertical welding progression not qualified (uphill or downhill) X
(7) The omission of backing (if used in the WPQR test) X X
(8) To multiple electrodes (if a single electrode was used in the WPQR test) but X
not vice versa (Note 5)
RE: addition or deletions of backing
If you are in the nuclear industry (which is a critical industry) you should either know the answers to your questions or be able to find the relevant criteria in the relevant codes !
Having to search via an internet forum does not instil a great degree of confidence,
RE: addition or deletions of backing
RE: addition or deletions of backing
RE: addition or deletions of backing
RE: addition or deletions of backing