Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
Some of you are probably also licensed in states that require a certain number of hours of continuing education in ethics, along with the technical stuff. Do any of you have recommendations for specific courses, seminars, etc., that actually seemed meaningful or informative?
Unfortunately, there seems to be a sort of vacuum in worthwhile ethics course...there's got to be something better out there somewhere!
Unfortunately, there seems to be a sort of vacuum in worthwhile ethics course...there's got to be something better out there somewhere!
RE: Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
The one I took last year (I can't find the company, I shredded all the info after the class) was bad enough that I wrote to the company asking for my money back. The instructor was not an engineer (or a lawyer) and she equated "ethics" with "social responsibility". The discussion was all about giving of your time to the under privileged. I asked a question towards the end of the class and framed it "Comrade, what happens if ...". She babbled an answer without catching my point.
The online ones I've looked at have been pretty bad, and some states are starting to require that the ethics instructor be in the room (they're even complaining about webinars).
David Simpson, PE
MuleShoe Engineering
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei, Italian Physicist
RE: Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
They have a review/rating system so you can see what others have thought.
RE: Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
B+W Engineering and Design | Los Angeles Civil Engineer and Structural Engineer
RE: Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
It's little limited on attendees, but the price is right (free). I'm not sure if you can take it if you're from another state or not.
RE: Engineering Ethics classes, courses, seminars, etc.
The question really comes up for NM which requires 4 hours of ethics. I assume they have similar stuff, but driving to NM for it is kind of a problem.