Looking for KeyCreator users in the Burlington, WI area
Looking for KeyCreator users in the Burlington, WI area
18 year Cadkey/KeyCreator user in the Burlington/Lake Geneva, WI area looking for other KC users to exchange tips, ideas, etc.
Seems pretty much everybody, these days, has "defaulted" to Solidworks. (Including the company I currently work for.) Like that's the only CAD software there is. But those of us with both Solidworks AND KeyCreator experience know how frustrating feature-based, parametric CAD can be. And how liberating direct modeling is. Never having to deal with the "constraints" of parent/child relationships, the hierarchy of feature trees, and/or the problems with imported "dumb" solids. If only more people would discover the truth, rather than being sold by the hype.
Solidwrecks... Because sooner or later your model is going to crash.
Seems pretty much everybody, these days, has "defaulted" to Solidworks. (Including the company I currently work for.) Like that's the only CAD software there is. But those of us with both Solidworks AND KeyCreator experience know how frustrating feature-based, parametric CAD can be. And how liberating direct modeling is. Never having to deal with the "constraints" of parent/child relationships, the hierarchy of feature trees, and/or the problems with imported "dumb" solids. If only more people would discover the truth, rather than being sold by the hype.
Solidwrecks... Because sooner or later your model is going to crash.