Slope stability in shale
Slope stability in shale
We are studying a Landslide that occurred in a medium slope like shown in the pictures. Sampling of the soil and tests concluded that the soil profil is composed of Saturated brown clay under the pavement ( there are no road structures !) to a depth 3 m or 7m , after which the Clayey shale of gray color continues to 15 M . This Shale is recovered crushed and can be like very compressible and saturated
So i want you to help me what can i do ? a Ditch drain above the slope with say maybe 2-3 m deep , in addition to counter weight at the toe ( The budget used for the project is pretty low , so no sophisticated ideas )
We are studying a Landslide that occurred in a medium slope like shown in the pictures. Sampling of the soil and tests concluded that the soil profil is composed of Saturated brown clay under the pavement ( there are no road structures !) to a depth 3 m or 7m , after which the Clayey shale of gray color continues to 15 M . This Shale is recovered crushed and can be like very compressible and saturated
So i want you to help me what can i do ? a Ditch drain above the slope with say maybe 2-3 m deep , in addition to counter weight at the toe ( The budget used for the project is pretty low , so no sophisticated ideas )
RE: Slope stability in shale
RE: Slope stability in shale
RE: Slope stability in shale
ípapß gordo ainÆt no madre flaca!
RE: Slope stability in shale
Those samples where completely crushed and highly saturated maybe at or above liquid limit , so it makes sense . Also Terzaghi book and others emphasize on the matter we discussing
Thanks again
RE: Slope stability in shale
Long-term question is where is the water coming from? Photo suggests that historical seepage may be stopped up gradient of the road fill. Is there a culvert or DI upgradient that is not working, resulting in wetting of the clays? If so, a subdrain excavated upslope and parallel to the roadway, that will get water directed to below the slide area may be the key.
RE: Slope stability in shale
Idk if there are any nearby water holding structures that are maybe damaged but i dont believe they exist , remember its a mountain range .
Else , there is a nearby tap
My idea since large economical budge cannot be afforded here ,is french drain and maybe remove some soil on the road just to decrease the total vertical stress.3