AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
Has this unity check feature been eliminated? The option for a printout no longer seems available on either the Results page, or within the Report folder listing.
If not, how do I activate it, or where is it? I did not have to hunt for it before.
Has this unity check feature been eliminated? The option for a printout no longer seems available on either the Results page, or within the Report folder listing.
If not, how do I activate it, or where is it? I did not have to hunt for it before.
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
I am also using FRP members, but there is no code check feature available for those members.
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
Also, if it's a compression member with kL/r > 200, you'll have to check a box in your preferences to tell RISA to ignore the slenderness ratio and check it anyway.
And if neither of these is the issue, I apologize in advance.
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
As for the kL/r, I will have to check the angles, but it should not affect the columns with the sizes I am using, and nothing is printing for those.
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
On the bright side, I'm glad you found the unity checks.
RE: AISC Code Checks Under RISA 3D 9.1
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering