Sitework Proposal
Sitework Proposal
Hello All:
We've been given some preliminary plans of an outlet mall on 26 acres with approx 750 parking spaces. The Architect wants us to do all the site plans (grading, stormwater, utilities, swppp, hardscapes, etc.). Do you have a rough estimate of what you would charge for a project of this size? I know there aren't a lot of details yet, but we're just trying to get an idea of what would be a decent starting point. I looks like it will be a pretty large project. Please let me know if you have any information you can share. Thanks!
We've been given some preliminary plans of an outlet mall on 26 acres with approx 750 parking spaces. The Architect wants us to do all the site plans (grading, stormwater, utilities, swppp, hardscapes, etc.). Do you have a rough estimate of what you would charge for a project of this size? I know there aren't a lot of details yet, but we're just trying to get an idea of what would be a decent starting point. I looks like it will be a pretty large project. Please let me know if you have any information you can share. Thanks!
RE: Sitework Proposal
What is the value of the construction? How complex will the design be? If the project is of average complexity and the value of the construction is $2,000,000, I would expect the consulting fee to be around 4.5%. With greater complexity, the fee will of course be greater. Having an idea of what the risks are, is also helpfull in setting the fee.
RE: Sitework Proposal
B+W Engineering and Design
Los Angeles Civil Engineer and Structural Engineer | |
RE: Sitework Proposal
More to ask: Who is doing the goetech? Who is doing or did the survey? Do you get the base drawings in CAD, what format, ...? How many meetings do you have to attend. Arch as the lead? Be prepared for layout changes. Maybe express a preliminary, pre-final and final submittal. Are you permitting the site, has it gone through zoning, site plan review board, ...
RE: Sitework Proposal
RE: Sitework Proposal