Conditional trend line?
Conditional trend line?
Is it possible to pre-selectthe range for a graph, and then fill in the date within this range as it becomes available over a period of weeks, and have the trend line reflect the current state. When I try this all the empty cells distort the trend line.
RE: Conditional trend line?
RE: Conditional trend line?
I am using ExcelXP for a non-engineering spreadsheet. I am currently trying to lose weight to get back to my 1955 body weight, and have a chart showing all of my recorded weights with an encouraging trendline.
I am using a simple bar chart, with exponential trendline, assembled entirely via the chart wizard. (A linear trendline looks just as encouraging). My chart is scaled for 13 weeks, but my current data is only for 5 weeks. The blank data ahead of me is not having any adverse effect on the trendline, which appears to take into account only the entered data.
So I seem to be doing exactly what you want, without any special cunning. [My expertise with Excel is very primitive, and such 'cunning' would be beyond me].
In my data table, I have no data in any of the cells in which I will be entering future weight records. If I enter zero in even one of them, I get a warning that some trendlines won't work with zero or negative values.
Have you by any chance zeroed some/all of your future data cells, rather than simply deleting their contents?
RE: Conditional trend line?