3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
After aquiring Geomagic, 3D systems is now using the Geomagic name for what was Alibre.
Should this forum now be named "Geomagic" instead of Alibre?
Should this forum now be named "Geomagic" instead of Alibre?
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
Geomagic: Geomagic Design
Sound good?
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
I realize this site does not get much traffic, but at least it points to where the real action is.
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
Geomagic say they know about it and the issues will be fixed in the next service pack. well I am waiting.
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
RE: 3D systems aquires Geomagic now using Geomagic name for Alibre 2013
As everybody gets upgraded, and the issues come to light, and get cleaned up, I am sure it will get better. Solidworks had some of these issues a few years ago and they got over it.