Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
If snow drift is possible from all four sides due to a lower roof in the interior of a building, how is the snow drifting handled. Cummulative of all four sides, Maximum drift from one side, or other? If one of these two methods is correct, where is this found.
RE: Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
Eastern United States
"If a builder builds a house for someone, and does not construct it properly, and the house which he built falls in and kills its owner, then that builder shall be put to death!"
~Code of Hammurabi
RE: Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
I get real conservative with situations like this.
I did inspect a low roof once that had high roofs on two sides and nothing on the orthogonal ends (open) - it had high drifting on both sides pretty close to code calculated drifts.
RE: Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
RE: Snow Drift (Lower Roof)
RE: Snow Drift (Lower Roof)