Analytical solution of scattering field
Analytical solution of scattering field
Hi. I want to obtain some analytical solutions for electromagnetic scattering of different shapes. i saw somewhere that the book named "Electromagnetic And Acoustic Scattering Simple Shapes" of Piergiorgio L. Uslenghi, Thomas B. Senior, J. J. Bowman, is very good but i dont find in internet.
Does someone has this book in pdf or know a other book with a wide range of analytical solutions of scattering?
Mainly i want to find a analytical solution for sphere scattering by a planar wave.
Does someone has this book in pdf or know a other book with a wide range of analytical solutions of scattering?
Mainly i want to find a analytical solution for sphere scattering by a planar wave.
RE: Analytical solution of scattering field
RE: Analytical solution of scattering field
Do you have anything?
RE: Analytical solution of scattering field
'Geometrical Theory of Diffraction', Joseph B. Keller. PDF available here .
Some in-depth Googling turned up: HIGH-FREQUENCY DIFFRACTION BY A SPHERE, C. L. Tang, Canadian Journal of Physics, VOL. 39, Issue 10: 1486-1494, DOI: 10.1139/p61-175. As with most such papers, seems to be behind a paywall.