Distillation Blending
Distillation Blending
Hi all,
I have been searching in vain for the past few months for a way to predict the final distillation curve of two blend petroleum products.
Is there a computer programme or known equation which could help me predict what the curve will look like from two components?
Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.
I have been searching in vain for the past few months for a way to predict the final distillation curve of two blend petroleum products.
Is there a computer programme or known equation which could help me predict what the curve will look like from two components?
Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Distillation Blending
RE: Distillation Blending
RE: Distillation Blending
- 2 components (A,B);
- blend composition, mass (or volume) fractions: xA, xB (xA+xB=1);
- distillation points, mass (or volume) fractions: D1A, D2A.....DnA and D1B, D2B,....,DnB (at T=T1, T2,...., Tn °C).
Results: DiBLEND = xA*DiA + (1-xA)*DiB (for i=1...n)
This approach were used in old blending/linear programming tools, not yet linked to simulators. Results are not very bad... only when the temperature ranges of the components are not very different.
The alternative (rigorous) approach consists in putting the two (or more) component distillation curves and mix them in a Process Simulator (HYSYS, UNISIM, PROII, WINSIM.....)