Looking for an easy way to show/hide parts in assembly
Looking for an easy way to show/hide parts in assembly
Just come onto Inventor (2011) from Solid Edge which in assembly has buttons for "show all" and "show only"
How do I show/hide all parts or just show the selected parts in Inventor?
How do I show/hide all parts or just show the selected parts in Inventor?
2.4GHz Core2 Quad, 4GB RAM,
Quadro FX4600.
Where would we be without sat-nav?
RE: Looking for an easy way to show/hide parts in assembly
Look for Isolate (to isolate a selection set)
Undo Isolate
Visibilty - to hide a selction set (the opposite of isolate)
Show All to undo Visibility changes
and look into
creating View Representations to save these for quick toggle between states if desired.
Right mouse button everything in Inventor.