High Speed Confusion........I am a
High Speed Confusion........I am a
High Speed Confusion........I am a mechanical engineer working in the field of electrical interconnections (connectors). Can someone explain in basic terms what the frequecny of operation the following "protocols" run at:
100 Base T Ethernet
1000 Base T Ethernet
IEEE 1394
Fiber Channel
Any comments are welocme. Thank you in adavcnce.
100 Base T Ethernet
1000 Base T Ethernet
IEEE 1394
Fiber Channel
Any comments are welocme. Thank you in adavcnce.
William H. Bernhart, P.E.
I work as a development engineer for AMP - Tyco Electronics located near Harrisburg, PA. I help design interconnections and electrical connectors for aerospace applications.
RE: High Speed Confusion........I am a
1000 implie 1000mbps
fibre optics can transfer a bandwidth of 1000000 mbps of data