NDT UT Level II and Level III
NDT UT Level II and Level III
Does any one know of a good resource for finding full time Level II and Level III NDT, UT. Our company would like to hire UT inspectors but cannot find any potential teamm members.
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III
If you decide to do this activity in-house you would need the following;
1. A written practice which involves how your NDT will be performed, qualification, acceptance criteria, etc.
2. You will need to develop and implement a procedure for the specific NDT.
3. You will need to qualify NDT personnel using the written practice and your procedure(s).
4. One can hire the services of an NDT Level III to develop steps 1-3. However, for Level I and Level II examiners, they will need to be qualified under your program.
Now do you see what is involved? It is not just a matter of hiring a current Level II and having them work for you as an employee.
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III
Thank you for the list of activities that will need to be performed. We are fully aware of all of the above items that need to be performed, hence we are looking for a Level III to do all of the above then a Level II to work under him/her.
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III
RE: NDT UT Level II and Level III