Nuclear Section III RPE
Nuclear Section III RPE
We are looking for a registered professional engineer qualified to Section III (nuclear) for a vessel that we have to manufacture for a nuclear power plant. What are the requirements for this kind of RPE? Can we use the RPE we use for Section VIII, Div. 2 vessels? Or are there additional requirements for the RPE?
RE: Nuclear Section III RPE
They will have to know about both design and manufacturing requirements associated with "N" stamp work.
Many moons ago I did both for a company that made both (section VIII and section III vessels) and my memory is that it was essenially the same design work with much more documentation and paperwork required for the "N" stamp vessel.
When the paper weighed about what the vessel did, it was ready to ship is how we put it. It is all about material accountability and documentation of the tracability of the materials and calculations.
But, that was many code revisions ago, so don't hold me to that.
Find someone who knows what they are doing or it could get you in trouble.
RE: Nuclear Section III RPE
The vendor must review records of the RPE and attests that the RPE's Code knowledge in the respective specialty field meets the requirements of Appendix XXIII and the RPE's experience record reflects successful performance of the applicable Code activities in connection with the requirements of the ASME Code items.
A qualified RPE or Design Organization reviews the qualifications of the RPE and attests that his/her Code knowledge in the respective specialty field meets the requirements of Appendix XXIII and the RPE's experience record reflects successful performance of the applicable Code activities in connection with the requirements of the ASME Code items.