Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
I am self publishing a book on composites. I have redrawn all images (i.e. they are not scanned), but many of them are similar or the same as the originals.
At first, this might seem like immediate copyright violation, but from what I understand there is more to it. Images such as pictures, etc. cannot be directly used or slightly modified without violating copyrights. However, if the image is a representation of a fact, then it is not copyrightable in the first place.
Many images are just that, representation of data. Some of them are "typical" type figures, built up from simple geometries.
So I guess my question is if there is just some general information and guidelines that I should go by. I plan on contacting the original owners and getting permission (if needed), but it is not always clear when I do it. I can provide some samples if there becomes any interest in this thread.
At first, this might seem like immediate copyright violation, but from what I understand there is more to it. Images such as pictures, etc. cannot be directly used or slightly modified without violating copyrights. However, if the image is a representation of a fact, then it is not copyrightable in the first place.
Many images are just that, representation of data. Some of them are "typical" type figures, built up from simple geometries.
So I guess my question is if there is just some general information and guidelines that I should go by. I plan on contacting the original owners and getting permission (if needed), but it is not always clear when I do it. I can provide some samples if there becomes any interest in this thread.
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
Chinese prisoner wins Nobel Peace Prize
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
OK, so I broke down and contacted a lawyer. I guess that needed to done anyway.
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
If you redrew diagrams that exist elsewhere, I would make them different enough to make them appear original even if it requires closer inspection. e.g. Different arrow sizes, line styles, and overall proportions.
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
Yeah, I am thinking along the same lines. The challenge for me is that some of the drawings almost must be that way, based on the physics. So they can have both artistic (copyrightable) and factual elements (not copyrightable). The challenge becomes knowing where the boundary is. The other option is to just obtain the permission if I am not sure. The only problem with this is if you are dealing with hundreds of images from different sources, it could be very time consuming to get copyright permission. So the path of least resistance may be to modify the image accordingly.
This is definitely one area where self publishing is not a good idea. A novel would be a different story.
I will have the copyright lawyer have a look and see what he thinks about my current images and what should be done.
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
Chinese prisoner wins Nobel Peace Prize
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
If your re-drawn diagrams have had value added to them then they are no longer the other guy's proprietary information. I have a pending patent for a device that is owned by a major manufacturer, I took two internal components and made very slight modifications and several patent lawyers felt that this is patentable. These were tiny changes to a significant piece of equipment. I believe that your pictures will be fine, let us know what the lawyer says.
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
It is definitely frustrating to go through this, but after spending a lot of time on drawings I can see why it is necessary to be protected. I would not someone ripping me off, but only for "advanced" images. I don't care too much about basic images. Of course, where is the line?
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
RE: Copyrighting - Using the LIkeness of Images
Per his assessment of the 30 images I sent, only 1 got his attention. This was the same one that my designer (also a self publisher) suggested to change. Based on this, the risk appears to be low.
For the most part, the images are relatively basic and therefore probably not copyrightable. For images with similarity, they are distinct enough to not violate a copyright.