CCRU H2 compressor failure
CCRU H2 compressor failure
hi all
we face a very strange crack of a reciprocating H2 compressor K-202 @ CCRU which deliver produced H2 to all users.
vendor's investigations reveal nothing.
any idea or similar case?
here is the photos
https ://picasaw com/mahmmo ud30/Repor tAboutK202 ?authkey=G v1sRgCIWfl a_lxazGlwE#
we face a very strange crack of a reciprocating H2 compressor K-202 @ CCRU which deliver produced H2 to all users.
vendor's investigations reveal nothing.
any idea or similar case?
here is the photos
RE: CCRU H2 compressor failure
It looks like these pictures were taken just as the piston was being extracted from the cylinder. But, there are no piston rings or rider band evident on the piston. Were these parts removed and then the scene restaged? Or, were these parts destroyed in a fire resulting from the failure?
Johnny Pellin
RE: CCRU H2 compressor failure
yes we plan to send a sample to a third party lab. to specify the problem.
you are right, theoe pictures were taken just as the piston was being extracted from the cylinder.
in one of the photos and under the feet of the persons you can see the rubber rings which weren't damage at all.
and luckly there were no fire or explosion took place at the scene.
thanks again for ur passover