Pseudostatic Analyses
Pseudostatic Analyses
The recently published book "Soil Strength and Slope Stability" by Duncan and Wright discusses procedures for conducting pseudostatic analyses. I often evaluate simplified seismic displacements of slopes/embankments and use pseudostatic analyses to estimate yield acceleration.
Duncan and Wright state a single stage pseudostatic analysis may be performed using the R strength envelope from a CU test together with effective stresses and steady state pore water pressure.
The use of effective stresses and steady state pore water pressures with a total stress (R) shear strength envelope seems contrary to me and contrary to the dirth of literature on the subject. I have always used total stresses and no pore water pressure when using a total stress (R) shear strength envelope.
Any thoughts on this?
Duncan and Wright state a single stage pseudostatic analysis may be performed using the R strength envelope from a CU test together with effective stresses and steady state pore water pressure.
The use of effective stresses and steady state pore water pressures with a total stress (R) shear strength envelope seems contrary to me and contrary to the dirth of literature on the subject. I have always used total stresses and no pore water pressure when using a total stress (R) shear strength envelope.
Any thoughts on this?
RE: Pseudostatic Analyses
RE: Pseudostatic Analyses
RE: Pseudostatic Analyses