Client wants a performance guarantee
Client wants a performance guarantee
I work as a consultant engineer. Our client has a problem with their building and we have proposed a solution. Detailed design & engineering will cost about $200K. The client wants a financial and letter guarantee i.e. that our solution will be effective or we don't get paid (either at all, or until it's fixed). Obviously we are confident but unless detailed engineering is done, we can't know for sure. In addition, our design will be a retro-fit into a building so again, there's unknowns.
This is a large scale project for us i.e. we can't afford the risk of failure, but then again, won't go forward without the guarantee.
What's others experience with this?
I don't want to over-design such that there's so much safety factor that I can't help but succeed since that'll be a poor design. My associate is thinking of a double or nothing approach i.e. the client pays 0 if it doesn't work but double the costs (400K) if it's successful.
I'm wondering if there's an option to get some kind of insurance rider that'll protect us, but I have no idea bout this.
Thanks for any feedback.
This is a large scale project for us i.e. we can't afford the risk of failure, but then again, won't go forward without the guarantee.
What's others experience with this?
I don't want to over-design such that there's so much safety factor that I can't help but succeed since that'll be a poor design. My associate is thinking of a double or nothing approach i.e. the client pays 0 if it doesn't work but double the costs (400K) if it's successful.
I'm wondering if there's an option to get some kind of insurance rider that'll protect us, but I have no idea bout this.
Thanks for any feedback.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Personally I would not do it, but if truly in a desperate situation needing the job, spell out what constitutes an effective solution in the agreement. Anything above and beyond what is in the agreement cannot be used as reason for non-payment.
Take each 'problem', define it, describe analysis, and proposed solution and what outcome can be realistically expected. I'd also add language such as, "this is an exiting building where without exhaustive investigation, analysis, and financially prohibitive costs, all conditions and effects of the new system cannot be known until installed and tested in situ. Client agrees that some modification with an additional financial impact may be necessary to fine-tune the mechanical system. This shall not be construed as an ineffective design solution."
I think you should give the wording a try, and then take it to an attorney for a once-over.
"Gorgeous hair is the best revenge." Ivana Trump
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
OMG, the ghetto I live in is rubbing off. Change that to "I have seen..."
"Gorgeous hair is the best revenge." Ivana Trump
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Car mechanics don't typically offer performance guarantees. (We need to replace the oxygen sensor to fix your engine light. If it doesn't, we'll refund 100% of your money.)
Lawyers generally charge by the hour with no refund, unless they are working on a case with a potential of a large settlement. In that case, they only do the work if they have confidence they'll prevail. Otherwise they do it on a time and materials estimate.
I don't think what your client is asking is reasonable, and frankly, hits me as being a cheap client. I'd look for clients more willing to pay your rates than the one you have now.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
If so, that opens up a different can of worms and possibilities.
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
Motto: KISS
Motivation: Don't ask
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
This is a bad contract provision and one you should walk away from.
Do you realize how little control you will have over the outcome? Can you guarantee the contractor will perform PERFECTLY? Can you guarantee that your design won't be subject to maintenance needs that probably won't be performed properly?
Double or nothing could be a drop in the bucket of your liability.
This is nuts.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
No pay at all if it doesn't work would seem rather over the top, but in the process industry licensed designs often come with a performance guarantee. Build one of our plants to our spec and we guarantee X tonnes at Y purity and Z utility consumption.
I could see a staged payment with final payment withheld until a set of performance criteria in the contract are met. As always, though, ask the lawyers!
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
then there was how to define and who would determine the performance
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
On the other hand, if you designed the broken project then you know what was in it and fixing it should be a quantifiable package of work. Then it is just bad business.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
In the usual scheme of things, taking on the risk means taking a larger share of the reward as compensation.
As others have alluded to, such a setup is not a sensible thing to tie yourself into as a business.
Find a new client.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
I guess it never hurts to ask!
You need to properly assess the risk cost to your firm in order to determine a fair price for this work, and that fair price will DEFINITELY be higher than the value of the man-hours charged for the development of the successful solution!
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
To answer some questions:
1) We weren't involved in the original issue whatsoever
2) Determining if the project is "successful" is pretty straight-forward as we've already specified a quantitative test to determine this.
The client is also more concerned that the project is successful i.e. he's concerned about paying that much and it not working, as opposed to avoiding paying.
After some talking, we're leaning with guaranteeing the performance of our retro-fit, but at no monetary penalty i.e. we get paid (staged) but final payment is made on successful test. And if test is unsuccessful, we do what is necessary to get it up to snuff.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
You say that you have a quantitative test for performance. That's great. What if it fails? Do you have to pay to contractor to re-do? Does the contractor guarantee performance of his work?
I hope you know what you're getting into.
Good luck.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Also be sure the client knows that you doing "whatever it takes to make it right" is limited to your time and design effort, and that remedial measures or value added additions to the work will be paid for by the client, and not taken out of your pocket.
Consulting fees are generally less than the PROFIT the contractor expects. You will get only a small percentage of the job cost for yourself if all goes according to plan. That makes putting yourself on the front line for ponying up remedial costs very dangerous.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Don't be too sympathetic to the client. If they are indeed even asking for this, then it shows a lack of sophistication on their part. Remember that they make a lot more money from the outcome of this than you do from doing it - basic ROI. Their option is to not do the project and have certainty of not making the money. There is a level of assumed risk in all business practice.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
Otherwise, it sounds like the client wants to sell off all risk. As above, if the risk is worth $200,000, charge another $200,000.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
So let's say you need $50k for the thorough investigation and then another $200k for the design and more detailed field services during construction. You get paid the $50k no matter what and the $200k becomes part of the garauntee. Now, you are taking a bigger risk than you would on any other similar project so I think it would be completely reasonable to ask for a higher fee to justify that risk maybe 50% more or $300k?
From a business perspective this MIGHT make sense because you get paid more for the higher risk. Also, in a normal situation if your design doesn't work you might get sued and have to pay out more than your fee anyway. So can you get the client to agree that his ONLY recourse is not to pay you the $300k if it doesn't work and that he cannot sue you?
Just some thoughts. You're insurance company will hate it and probably won't cover you for the project and you would definately need to involve a good lawyer to get the terms right.
Pete Madson
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
If I needed the work, I wouldn't want my pay tied up in a bond for however long as I am struggling a bit anyway and I would do exactly what you are doing, some pay now, some pay at the completion of the project based on quantifiable tests first done internally but with an independent judge chosen to bring in if there are any disagreements or problems with the test.
Basically just lawyers galore though, every step of the way.
RE: Client wants a performance guarantee
What you are describing has been put into use for decades, and is a growing business. Energy savings performance contracts (ESPC's)allow for paydown of intial fee, or use of A-E services in identifying and evaluating energy conservation measures. Payment is based on measurement and verification of energy/dollar savings. Some contracting offices prefer having a third party A-E identify and evaluate ECM's, then go to the ESPC contractor. Other offices prefer to pay for a baseline energy evaluation from the ESPC and then make an offering on an ESPC contract. I am not a big fan of ESPC, as it requires twice the paperwork, and conditions always change. M&V can be a real bear.
Another variation is the firm fixed price plus incentive (FFP PI). A basic fee is negotiated, an incentive is earned based on the evaluation factors put in the contract. I was a big fan of the FFP PI.
Not being a resource manager or contracting officer, I don't get to select the contract vehicle.