drain grate openings in parking lot
drain grate openings in parking lot
I am looking for a resource that may recommend or require a maximum or minimum opening size for drain grates placed within a parking lot but subject to some pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian traffic would be limited to those using the regular parking spaces. The drain inlet would not be located within the ADA walkway from the handicap spaces to the building entrance, and therefore I don't think we are required to use an ADA/Heel proof grate. Can anyone verify or dispute this assumption? Reference docs I should review? Thank you.
RE: drain grate openings in parking lot
RE: drain grate openings in parking lot
RE: drain grate openings in parking lot
ADA standards discuss maximum openings in grates, but I'm not aware of different grate designs for peds/bikes vs. ADA access, I believe the grates are the same.