Turning Radius Math
Turning Radius Math
Does anybody have a source or citation for the math involved in calculating the turning radius and turning width of a truck without using a template in Autocad, AutoTurn or Turn.lsp. I want to calculate the required turn numbers for a heavy hauler carrying a 135' propeller blade for a wind turbine. Is it as easy as stretching the existing truck templets and adding additional axles in the tractor and trailer. I would appreciate a source or citation.
RE: Turning Radius Math
"...students of traffic are beginning to realize the false economy of mechanically controlled traffic, and hand work by trained officers will again prevail." - Wm. Phelps Eno, ca. 1928
RE: Turning Radius Math
RE: Turning Radius Math
The Green Book used to have a formula for determining turning radii based on truck dimensions, but I don't think it accounted for the steerable rear axles on the turbine blade trucks.
"...students of traffic are beginning to realize the false economy of mechanically controlled traffic, and hand work by trained officers will again prevail." - Wm. Phelps Eno, ca. 1928
RE: Turning Radius Math
"...students of traffic are beginning to realize the false economy of mechanically controlled traffic, and hand work by trained officers will again prevail." - Wm. Phelps Eno, ca. 1928
RE: Turning Radius Math
This will be a great deal of help. Thank's for the assistance, it is much appreciated.
RE: Turning Radius Math
I am still looking for any explanation of the math involved in laying out Turn Radius. Particularly the added complexity of steerable axles and added goose neck trailers infront of the main trailer and behind the tractor. If any body has that information I would appreciate them sharing it. I have purchased an older Green Book, "A Policy for the Design of Roadways and Streets" (Not quite sure of the title) and downloaded the NCHRP Report 505 "Review of Truck Characteristics as Factors in Roadway Design". Hope they help.