Sulfur Pastill Crushing strength
Sulfur Pastill Crushing strength
Liquid sulfur from the Refinery is processed in Rotoform to produce sulfur pastill ,min.spec of crushing strength of 3.5 kg/cm2g ,liquid sulfur temp. remains 122 -125 C , C.W.Flow is ~ 35 m3/hr --indirect cooling below the belt.however..crushing strength is not able to meet the there any rectify the problem ?
Liquid sulfur from the Refinery is processed in Rotoform to produce sulfur pastill ,min.spec of crushing strength of 3.5 kg/cm2g ,liquid sulfur temp. remains 122 -125 C , C.W.Flow is ~ 35 m3/hr --indirect cooling below the belt.however..crushing strength is not able to meet the there any rectify the problem ?
RE: Sulfur Pastill Crushing strength