ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation
ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation
I am working on a small duplex project (25 buildings for a total of 50 dwelling units). From what I see, the project fits into the ITE Residential Condominium/Towhhouse (230) clasification. I am looking for some advice regarding the use of the fitted equation as apposed to the simple rate multiplied by units. It just seems that as the number of units gets closer to zero, the equation falls apart.
RE: ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation
RE: ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation
RE: ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation
It looks like there is a lot of data points in the (230) classification that are equivalent to your number of proposed units. I would run both equations, and use the result which is closest to the other relevant data points on the data plot.
Accurately predicting traffic volumes for a future development is very difficult to do, so don't get too caught up in getting "exact" answers.
RE: ITE - Avg Rate vs Fitted Equation