'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
Use poster in a Sentence
–noun 1. a placard or bill posted or intended for posting in a public place, as for advertising.
2. a person who posts bills, placards, etc.
I have been mispelling the word poster as postor for instance as in 'original postor' compared to contractor or oporator, etc.
What is the English grammer or spelling rule and what is this rule called for choosing the correct ending to be either 'er' or for it to be 'or'?
–noun 1. a placard or bill posted or intended for posting in a public place, as for advertising.
2. a person who posts bills, placards, etc.
I have been mispelling the word poster as postor for instance as in 'original postor' compared to contractor or oporator, etc.
What is the English grammer or spelling rule and what is this rule called for choosing the correct ending to be either 'er' or for it to be 'or'?
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
-or or -er should be least of your worry!
Just accept the fact that there are rules and there are exceptions, meaning there is no rule.
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
-er applies to a person (painter, adviser, writer, golfer, footballer, potter)
-or applies to a thing (adaptor, resistor, capacitor, applicator, monitor)
As usual with the English language, there are many exceptions to that rule. (sailor, hall-monitor, creator, mentor, electronic-controller, operator)
The etymology of the base word probably has a large bearing on which suffix is 'correct' ... but I'm only guessing because I'm not an etymologistorer.
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
What is Engineering anyway: FAQ1088-1484: In layman terms, what is "engineering"?
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
The funniest part is that I had just looked up operator to verify that it ends in -or vs. -er.
This is an embarrassing senor moment. Kindly imagine a tilde over the n in senor.
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
And there are plenty of words that go both ways; in most of those cases, the -or version has a more specialized meaning while the "Xer" version just means "one who Xes".
There's been somewhat of an attempt to distinguish a person who welds from a machine used for welding by using "weldor" for the former and "welder" for the latter, which given the "fancy equipment" association with -or is the opposite of how I would have done it. But it hasn't caught on universally. I had to look it up to see which was supposed to be which.
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RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
Because agentive is a new word for me, I had to find it and the word volition I knew only vaguely so have copied them for others that might be interested so that it is more of a piece right here. It all makes a lot more sense now if that is possible given the English language but I need to think on it a bit but no time right now. Must go play some 8 ball with my psycologist buddy. When I return I will pursue the other threads i.e. Betcha and Bloopers.
2. (in case grammar) pertaining to the semantic role or case of a noun phrase that indicates the volitional or primary causer of the action expressed by a verb.
vo⋅li⋅tion [voh-lish-uhn, vuh-] Show IPA
–noun 1. the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing: She left of her own
2. a choice or decision made by the will.
3. the power of willing; will.
vo•li•tion (və-lĭsh'ən)
n. The act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision.
A conscious choice or decision.
The power or faculty of choosing; the will.
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
OK ivymike I give up. What is LPS?
And rmw -- spell checkor? LOL
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
I can interpret that. LPS are the ubiquitous Little Purple Stars earned for good posts on this site.
I am also amazed by Hg's advice, although in this case I will still get it wrong much of the time.
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
The purple may be so light in color as to be pink not purple.
What is Engineering anyway: FAQ1088-1484: In layman terms, what is "engineering"?
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
If you like "agentive", you'll love "decessive". Used in a number of Native American languages to carry the sense of "used to be but isn't any more".
(Don't be too amazed. I cheat. I have a couple of degrees in linguistics.)
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Eng-Tips.com Forum Policies
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
And yeah, Hg that is definitely cheating! Decessive? Omigosh I think this deserves a new thread. But that is for someone with more panache than I. Besides I am becoming too ubiquitous around here.
BTW, you might have noticed that I have not visited the 'you betcha' column in the last few days. Feared of how many condemnations there could be over there now that I think I've finally figured out about the 'starting from zero or one'. And then like an idiot, I had to say, "period" when there was already one there. But it is all rmw's fault (or is that rmws' – Word don't like it either way obviously) for getting us all off track on that thread. Maybe I will revisit that thread in month or two when I get up my courage and not feeling so pedantic. Seems like a person would get a clue when Hg receives about a zillion LPS's for a post?
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
Wouldn't the arrester be the one who detains the resistor, my guess is for improper wear of colors.
RE: 'er' vs 'or' ending of a word
Engineering is not the science behind building. It is the science behind not building.