Is this good use of English?
Is this good use of English?
In some long winded documents, likely one supposes to be printed or photocopied, we occasionally find a page on which is written:
This is not something we encountered in books.
If there is a blank page, it is actually blank.
But if there is something on the page like this then, pardon my ignorance, is it blank?
OK, I find blank pages in pdf files a nuisance because I don't know if it is a blank page or the download has stalled.
So I appreciate then either that they don't leave blank pages or they print something more accurate.
Heading the page "Notes" will do.
These chatty little messages grate just as some of those program error messages do. Firefox has recently taken to saying somethin silly like:
I wonder how many blank pages have passed through copiers and printers and not been extracted y the gopher before then being assembled into ring binders and distributed?
The object of a blank age is questionable.
It might have some value in a document that is printed double sided but most people tend not to fuss with the printer settings and printing double sided is just asking for the copier to go wrong or mess up the printing and it is a real b****er to sort out a partially printed double sided document when it goes wrong and you have to abort half way through. Then, the only sensible thing to do is scrap it and start again.
This page intentionally left blank.
This is not something we encountered in books.
If there is a blank page, it is actually blank.
But if there is something on the page like this then, pardon my ignorance, is it blank?
OK, I find blank pages in pdf files a nuisance because I don't know if it is a blank page or the download has stalled.
So I appreciate then either that they don't leave blank pages or they print something more accurate.
Heading the page "Notes" will do.
These chatty little messages grate just as some of those program error messages do. Firefox has recently taken to saying somethin silly like:
Oops! This is embarrassing. We cannot restore your tabs. This may be because...."
I wonder how many blank pages have passed through copiers and printers and not been extracted y the gopher before then being assembled into ring binders and distributed?
The object of a blank age is questionable.
It might have some value in a document that is printed double sided but most people tend not to fuss with the printer settings and printing double sided is just asking for the copier to go wrong or mess up the printing and it is a real b****er to sort out a partially printed double sided document when it goes wrong and you have to abort half way through. Then, the only sensible thing to do is scrap it and start again.
RE: Is this good use of English?
I think, if anything, it is useful. I really do not care if it is not used.
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Is this good use of English?
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
Motto: KISS
Motivation: Don't ask
RE: Is this good use of English?
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Is this good use of English?
I agree that not long ago, printing single-sided was the norm, because many printers and copiers did not support full double-sided printing. (To get double-sided output on my home printer, you have to print front faces first, then re-insert the stack of printed pages to get the reverse face printed, and hope that you put the sheets in with the correct orientation, and hope that the software correctly accounts for odd-numbered and even-numbered facing pages etc.)
However, most larger offices these days would have smart copier/printers with full support for full duplex printing, rescaling at print time, etc. There is no reason to NOT use the double-sided function, and it really does save quite a lot of paper!(In my office, all printers are set to use duplex printing by default, so you have to make a conscious decision to print single-sided.)
As to the original question - I think it makes a lot of sense to use the "intentionally blank" notation, so the recipient can be 100% certain they have received the full document, not an accidentally abridged version.
My own pet peeve about nonsensical printed notices is on software which bears the notice "By opening the original packaging, you certify that you agree to the licence terms and conditions." And where do you find a copy of the terms and conditions? On a printed notice INSIDE the packaging!
RE: Is this good use of English?
"The page on which this statement has been printed has been intentionally left such that this statement is the only statement printed on it."
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: Is this good use of English?
Kind of made sense, can you imagine all the potential raised hands about 'missing page' or all the smart ass variations on the old existentialism essay theme.
What is Engineering anyway: FAQ1088-1484: In layman terms, what is "engineering"?
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
The pages were sometimes to allow further expansion of sections without causing big pagination changes as I recall.
At other times just to give a clear break between different sections.
What is Engineering anyway: FAQ1088-1484: In layman terms, what is "engineering"?
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
Saying the page has been left blank when it obviously hasn't.
Perhaps "This page intentionally blank, apart from this message."
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
Anyone who cannot understand the meaning and intentions of "This page is intentionally left blank" would have difficulty in other aspects of life as well. They get confused, when there is nothing to get confused about.
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
For many people badly sued apostrophes are an irritation, or using the wrong spelling of "there", split infinitives and so on.
In my case I just felt that if they were going to say something this isn't the only way to say it and they could say it in a way that doesn't irritate people.
let me assure you, guys and gals, it isn't because I don't understand what they mean. If that were the case I wouldn't have posted in the English forum.
RE: Is this good use of English?
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Is this good use of English?
Rafiq Bulsara
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
- Steve
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
Findings is time when this may occur frequently. Request for disclosure may require multiple documents that cannot be located at the time, but must be addressed. Again, this often happens in sequential order. Original document may contain blank or redacted portions. Total document length must still match. If it sounds silly, thank a lawyer.
RE: Is this good use of English?
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: Is this good use of English?
I expect convention is to blame for a lot of the instances where a few more moments thought would have helped.
RE: Is this good use of English?
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: Is this good use of English?
Standard format for military technical manuals to ensure reader understands that there is no inofmation missing.
Note -- the following is not a quote. I am asking this question right here and now in this post:
Is this where the moniker, military intelligence comes into play?
...They get confused, when there is nothing to get confused about.
RE: Is this good use of English?
"I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago"
- Steve
RE: Is this good use of English?
Mike McCann
MMC Engineering
Motto: KISS
Motivation: Don't ask
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
RE: Is this good use of English?
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Forum Policies