Why do antennas couple?
Why do antennas couple?
Why does antenna loading actually occur? In placing an object in the reactive near field the antenna resonance frequency shifts, but why? Is there a 'physical' connection (inductance/capacitance in the space between them) that causes the antenna to appear longer altering the resonance frequency?
Thank you
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RE: Why do antennas couple?
RE: Why do antennas couple?
Now if any antenna's electron movement affects another, then the electrons moved on the piece of metal affect your antenna's electrons the same way, hence the change in your antenna.
RE: Why do antennas couple?
The capacitance and inductance that you were looking for emenate from these imaginary fields=expressions (you can translate these fields into impedance).
Much like a capacitor and inductor, the energy is stored in the Electric and magnetic field, in this case surrounding the antenna.
As you go further from the antenna into Far-Field, these fields decay rapidly and you are left with the propagating fields alone.
Hope it answered your question.