pipeline engineer jobs
pipeline engineer jobs
I am working as subsea pipeline engineer in houston tx. just out of curiosity are there any other city where pipeline engineer jobs are hot within the states other than houston?
RE: pipeline engineer jobs
What's the matter with Houston?
[] Too hot?
[] Too humid?
[] Too much rain?
[] Too much traffic?
[] Too far from the beach?
[] Too far from the mountains?
[] Too much concrete and glass?
[] Too many Texans?
[] Too many "furiners"
[] All of the above.
"Pumping accounts for 20% of the world's energy used by electric motors and 25-50% of the total electrical energy usage in certain industrial facilities."-DOE statistic (Note: Make that 99% for pipeline companies) http://virtualpipeline.spaces.live.com/
RE: pipeline engineer jobs
We have too many "furiners" here in the UK also.
RE: pipeline engineer jobs
"Pumping accounts for 20% of the world's energy used by electric motors and 25-50% of the total electrical energy usage in certain industrial facilities."-DOE statistic (Note: Make that 99% for pipeline companies) http://virtualpipeline.spaces.live.com/
RE: pipeline engineer jobs
Hope you enjoyed your time here.
RE: pipeline engineer jobs
"Pumping accounts for 20% of the world's energy used by electric motors and 25-50% of the total electrical energy usage in certain industrial facilities."-DOE statistic (Note: Make that 99% for pipeline companies) http://virtualpipeline.spaces.live.com/