Baker Tech Facts
Baker Tech Facts
Hi All,
Does anyone out there know where I can get an electronic copy of the baker Tech Facts book? I have tried Bakers web site and general searches on various sites all with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
John McGrath
Does anyone out there know where I can get an electronic copy of the baker Tech Facts book? I have tried Bakers web site and general searches on various sites all with no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
John McGrath
RE: Baker Tech Facts
Baker Oil Tools Literature Department
6023 Navigation
Houston, TX 77011
Phone 713 923-9351
Fax 713 923-9657
Schlumberger also has a very good handbook.
RE: Baker Tech Facts
I'll get in touch with Baker and see if I can get a copy. If not would it be possible to get a fax of your paper charts???
John McGrath
RE: Baker Tech Facts
Forget about the faxing of charts bit of the last post, I was thinking that there was wire fall back charts in the BTF book. There isnt. I'll still follow up the load for the e version of the book though.
RE: Baker Tech Facts