Yield Strength of ASTM A373 steel in 1959??
Yield Strength of ASTM A373 steel in 1959??
I have been asked to advise a bridge designer concerning the material used to build a bridge in 1959. The construction specs of that era indicate that the bridge should have been made from ASTM A373 steel (or ASTM A7 if not welded). The bridge plans indicate the deisgner asked for ASTM A373, but they were unable to locate a grade in the plan notes. Can someone point me in the right direction to learn what grades were common in 1959 back to about 1950? Thanks for your help. We think the steel was either 33ksi or 36ksi, but we would like to know more.
RE: Yield Strength of ASTM A373 steel in 1959??
Tensile strength 58 to 75 ksi
Yield point 32 ksi
A 373 was first issued in 1954. I don't have the 1954 or 1956 versions.
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RE: Yield Strength of ASTM A373 steel in 1959??
RE: Yield Strength of ASTM A373 steel in 1959??
Do either of you recall what the design allowable was in the AASHTO code about that time? Currently it is 0.55 x Fy for those of us that still do allowable stress checks.