Hmmmmmm. I see all these versions in print, lately. 'Endevor' and 'endevour' in American publications, 'endeavour' in British and, 'endeavor' in an Australian mag. Drives my spell check nuts.
Hmmmmmm. I see all these versions in print, lately. 'Endevor' and 'endevour' in American publications, 'endeavour' in British and, 'endeavor' in an Australian mag. Drives my spell check nuts.
RE: Endeavour
- Steve
RE: Endeavour
The (British) English spelling of an American Shuttle was because it was named in hono(u)r of Captain Cook's famous ship. Unfortunately, to add to the confusion, even Nasa has spelt it the American way several times, but I suspect that this was probably due to the unnoticed and insidious intervention of AutoCorrect rather than careless use of the spell checker.
Trevor Clarke. (R & D) Scientific Instruments.Somerset. UK
SW2007x64 SP3.0 Pentium P4 3.6Ghz, 4Gb Ram ATI FireGL V7100 Driver: 8.323.0.0
SW2007x32 SP4.0 Pentium P4 3.6Ghz, 2Gb Ram NVIDIA Quadro FX 500 Driver:
RE: Endeavour
I often hear engineers blame the spellchecker when I am editing for corrections.
I always say one must endeavour to do better than that. Use a dictionary, the paper kind.
Robert Mote
RE: Endeavour
<<A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting beside you saying " Damn that was fun!" - Unknown>>
RE: Endeavour
rtmote, while I've probably done it, blaming the spell checker is pretty poor. The one I fall for is when spell checker auto corrects to the wrong word and I don't notice.
On anything important I proof read a few times but for quick emails etc. I'm probably a bit lazy.
On the bright side, I rarely spell check on this forum and am about 50/50 on any real proof reading so some of my posts are pretty poor.
KENAT, probably the least qualified checker you'll ever meet...
RE: Endeavour
Some Aussie publications favour American spelling for some (weak) reason.
RE: Endeavour
They probably just have the american spellcheck turned on!
RE: Endeavour
Matt Lorono
CAD Engineer/ECN Analyst
Silicon Valley, CA
Lorono's SolidWorks Resources
Co-moderator of Solidworks Yahoo! Group
and Mechnical.Engineering Yahoo! Group
RE: Endeavour
Jag-war. Nee-sarn. Par-star.
(prizes available for recognition)
- Steve
RE: Endeavour
Jag-war is easy - Jaguar
Nee-sarn - that would be Nissan?
But Par-star? Pasta?
I really had to throw myself into the southern bayou accent to get to those.
Eng-Tips Forums:Real Solutions for Real Problems Really Quick.
RE: Endeavour
My old Italian colleague used to get a kick out of asking for eye-talian dressing in American restaurants.
- Steve
RE: Endeavour
RE: Endeavour
RE: Endeavour
RE: Endeavour
RE: Endeavour
- Steve
RE: Endeavour