National Average
National Average
I'm in search of some information and I can not find ANYTHING! I'm looking for the National Average for weld reject rates. Does anyone have any information on this? I'd like a URL where I can direct someone to this info if requested. I have been told many times by many different people that it's in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 2.5 percent. Thanks in advance!
RE: National Average
Eng-Tips policies: FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: National Average
RE: National Average
Some companies may indeed maintain documentation and quality records on welding, they likely will not make it public. Perhaps with Non Disclosure Agreements, you could obtain the information from a company of interest.
It would be a challenge for gathering weld quality information on a national or even regional or local basis. You would need to capture information on materials, methods, environment, and training or skill level I would think at a minimum. That information would have to be compared against an appropriate standard for the weld type in order to generate any meaningful data.
RE: National Average
RE: National Average
The information you want would be generated by "Weld Mapping" a process is just starting to take off because of requirements of various agencies for traceability.
There is some software available now that will greatly simplify the collection and analysis of welding data.
Here is one from C-Spec. I haven't used this one so I don't know at what level or how it sets the flags on weld rejects. I would assume that the owner sets the level.
Look at the reports and analysis section of the software description.
RE: National Average
They may have a number for rejects based on the number of welds they have inspected but not the total number of welds overall. This may only be RT but could include all of inspection disciplines. One would have to know the percentage for RT inspection on each job to back out a number for the expected rejects in the overall number of welds assuming the whole population is represented by inspected sample.
Again this would only be for small sample in one segment of your total area of concern. As stated above a lot of companies get quite upset when you start wanting to discuss this. Construction companies consider this proprietary and and industry tends to treat this as confidential information. In my previous post and posts in other threads I have discussed the problems with welding socket weld fittings particularly one project of over 3000 inspections. I was deposed twice about collecting this information, the whys and wherefores.
RE: National Average
5% or less would not upset me.
5% to 10% would catch my attention.
Greater than 10% would cause me to jump up and down and yell.
Joe Tank
RE: National Average
I'm speaking from experience with tanks and vessels to API and ASME Codes.
Joe Tank
RE: National Average
RE: National Average
You might try these:
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