Modeling welded connections in I-deas
Modeling welded connections in I-deas
Is it correct to welded connections using coincident nodes or rigid links? How reliable are the stresses at the welded connection when using coincident nodes or rigid links? Is there one technique preferred over the other?
RE: Modeling welded connections in I-deas
it is common practice to directly connect the thin shells at the weld locations
or use rigids but it will not show you the stresses at the fillets.
i follow the same practice whenever i am intrested in global stresses.
modelling fillets with 3d elements is also suggested(but i am not sure @ this)
RE: Modeling welded connections in I-deas
Most models would only require joining at the intersection to transfer load. The stresses at the intersection WILL NOT be accurate so they should not be used. Be guided by the code on how to interpret the results or alternatively see the rererence listed below.
Niemi E; 'Stress Determination for Fatigue Analysis of Welded Components', Abington Publishing for the IIW, 1995, ISBN 1 85573 213 0.
Sometimes if the weld is large compared to the components being joined the stiffness of the weld itself needs to be accounted for. Often beams are used to add this stiffmess, the beams representiong the weld bead.