Pipe support on vertical
Pipe support on vertical
Lately on projects I've encountered piping installations where risers are supported on every other floor. My local plumbing code indicates this is acceptable only for threaded standard pipe schedule (SPS) pipe. BOCA says vertical supports are required at least at every floor (15' max for steel pipe).
As a commissioning agent, I'm not a guy on a power trip and don't fuel animosity on projects, but find it's very difficult to convince contractors of the requirements. Has anyone else seen this? Are you a pipe fitter and find that adding a friction clamp at every floor is just a nuisance?
As always, feedback is appreciated. -Chas.
As a commissioning agent, I'm not a guy on a power trip and don't fuel animosity on projects, but find it's very difficult to convince contractors of the requirements. Has anyone else seen this? Are you a pipe fitter and find that adding a friction clamp at every floor is just a nuisance?
As always, feedback is appreciated. -Chas.
RE: Pipe support on vertical
As somebody who has been on both sides of this question, I HATE it when I bid something to include what is required by codes and specs, and then get underbid by outfits that proceed to cut corners, and get away with it. I equally HATE designing something, then having to fight with the guy doing the work about installing it as per what he bid.
Having said that, there's always grey areas, and changes/comprimises that have to made for legitimate reasons. These should be discussed, and the required course of action agreed upon by all parties. Unilateral changes that deviate from design made by contractors for their conveinence alone really ticks me off.