Steam puffer
Steam puffer
I need to find a product that can provide a small burst of steam (very little) for a household application. This product would ideally be activated by a photoeye and be powered by either 110 VAC or 12 VDC. It would need to work fast (no long pre-heat time). I do not know what to call such a product. The most describing term I can think of would be Steam Puffer.
If such a product does not exist I was wondering if someone could guide me to a development partner.
Alternatively I could use a photo eye activated cold water spray device.
U. Kristiansen
I need to find a product that can provide a small burst of steam (very little) for a household application. This product would ideally be activated by a photoeye and be powered by either 110 VAC or 12 VDC. It would need to work fast (no long pre-heat time). I do not know what to call such a product. The most describing term I can think of would be Steam Puffer.
If such a product does not exist I was wondering if someone could guide me to a development partner.
Alternatively I could use a photo eye activated cold water spray device.
U. Kristiansen
RE: Steam puffer
FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: Steam puffer
Thanks for your quick reply. By fast i mean that it should provide the steam puff (alternatively water spray) within 5 seconds from being activated by the photo eye. The amount of steam (alternatively water) would be very small. Just 0.02 - 0.03 liquid oz.
RE: Steam puffer
RE: Steam puffer
FAQ731-376: Forum Policies
RE: Steam puffer
No this is not school work. I work myself as a General Manager in the packaging industry. I am trying to develop a small appliance for a household applicatino as my own project on the side.