Parellel Port Interface
Parellel Port Interface
I am seeking to interface a robotic arm with a computer via a parellel port. First, the computer and the arm are on seperate power supplies. I want to be able to send a timed signal from the computer to the arm that can complete the circuit of specific motors in the arm to make it move. What can I use for the interface and what are the specific adresses of the pins (using Windows ME)?
P.S. Thanks in advance.
P.S. Thanks in advance.
RE: Parellel Port Interface
RE: Parellel Port Interface
Do you know what type of parallel port you have? there are a number of different formats that are controlled by the bios etc to adjust for the different formats. If you wish to get right down to hardware level of control, then this information may be necessary. How many outputs do you want?
What timing intervals are you after? What is your interface at the other end?
If you are not after super fast speed and 8 bits of output, then you may be able to make your interface emulate a printer and just "print particular characters (bit patterns) for you required control.
Mark Empson
RE: Parellel Port Interface
Data 8 bit, output
Control 4 bit, output (C0-C3)
status 5 bit, input (S3-S7 )
!!! C0,C1,C3 and S7 are inverted.
The base address can be found at 0x0000:0x0408/9 (LSB/MSB)
addr of D = baseadr (USUALLY 0x378 )
C = baseadr + 2
S = baseadr + 1
I would use DOS.
RE: Parellel Port Interface
RE: Parellel Port Interface
PORT = 888 ' usually &H378 = 888 dec.
'-------------------------- lines:
out port,1 ' set bit 0 0001
out port,5 ' now bit 2 0101
out port,7 ' bit 1,too 0111
out port.15 ' bit 3 1111
out port,10 'reset 0 & 2 1010
How do you know how far the arm moves ?
RE: Parellel Port Interface
RE: Parellel Port Interface
RE: Parellel Port Interface
diodes back to back in series with the motor and two
position sensor swithes in series can stop the forward/reverse motion.