Model statistics-node count
Model statistics-node count
Hi All,
How can I cound the total number of nodes/elements in my model before I run it? I have a meshed model which I would like to inquire "model statistics" on, but this option can be viewed only in the results pane. I dont have any results as I have not run the model yet...
How can I cound the total number of nodes/elements in my model before I run it? I have a meshed model which I would like to inquire "model statistics" on, but this option can be viewed only in the results pane. I dont have any results as I have not run the model yet...
RE: Model statistics-node count
Garland E. Borowski, PE
Borowski Engineering & Analytical Services, Inc.
Lower Alabama SolidWorks Users Group
Magnitude The Finite Element Analysis Magazine for the Engineering Community
RE: Model statistics-node count