Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
Can anyone provide thoughts on limitations of using complexity factors/indexes for comparing refineries? I am sure I saw an article on this recently but can not find it now. Thanks
RE: Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
If you are talking about using factors for comparing coneptual type cost estimates for refineries?
Greg Lamberson, BS, MBA
Consultant - Upstream Energy
RE: Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
RE: Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
Sorry, I can speak for days on factored cost estimates, but have not been involved in the type you are referring to nor did I see the article.
Greg Lamberson, BS, MBA
Consultant - Upstream Energy
RE: Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
Yes you are true that normal HDS feed doesn't contain any elemental S , but this feed is from a condensate refinery which contain elemental sulfur in dissolved form.
RE: Complexity Factor/Index Limitations
I think you posted this on the wrong thread?
Greg Lamberson, BS, MBA
Consultant - Upstream Energy