Trapped Water Risk
Trapped Water Risk
I understand that Unwanted / Accumulated water or hot condensate in the pipelines in the refinery plants especially in Crude & Vaccum units is one of the hazard which can create water hammer while it gets contact with hot hydrocarbons.
e.g. During start up activites accmulated water in Crude tower bottom can create major hazard while hot hydrocarbons gets contacted with it or over a period of time accumulated water in stand by Naptha reflux pump can create hazard if it is lined up with out draining properly.
What are the highly possible locations in above units which can create major accidents or what are the possible locations in pipelines where drain point is must or must be routine practise for draining.
Thanks in Advance..
e.g. During start up activites accmulated water in Crude tower bottom can create major hazard while hot hydrocarbons gets contacted with it or over a period of time accumulated water in stand by Naptha reflux pump can create hazard if it is lined up with out draining properly.
What are the highly possible locations in above units which can create major accidents or what are the possible locations in pipelines where drain point is must or must be routine practise for draining.
Thanks in Advance..
RE: Trapped Water Risk
- Reflux and pumparound pumps
- Pumparound heat exchangers
- Flow control valves (stripping steam, pumparound FCVs and TCVs, overhead reflux etc.)
- Provide for self draining of accumulator trays (especially welded chimney trays)
- Lowest pipeline locations (and dead spots) in the unit
- Check for all possible locations where steam can condense and make pockets of condensate, that can be introduced later on the hot hydrocarbons
RE: Trapped Water Risk
Johnny Pellin
RE: Trapped Water Risk
Luis marques
RE: Trapped Water Risk
RE: Trapped Water Risk
RE: Trapped Water Risk
RE: Trapped Water Risk
Have a look at Trevor Kletz's HAZOP and HAZAN - Identifying and Assessing Process Industry Hazards. If I'm not mistaken, you may find he has reviewed some cases.
RE: Trapped Water Risk
A: In order to avoid damage to equipment, several of the common causes of problems will be noted here. These are well known but frequently overlooked:
High liquid level in the column
If the liquid level is too high, vapor velocity causes massive entrainment to the bottom tray. This entrainment may even be in the form of waves of liquid. This constant buffeting of the tray loosens bolting and can dislodge the tray.
Too rapid liquid drainage
When a column floods, the liquid level may rise to a point several feet above the bottom tray. If the liquid is withdrawn from the bottom of the column at a rate greater than it can flow down through the trays, a vapor gap will be formed below the bottom tray. The presence of a vapor gap below the bottom tray, however small, imposes on that tray the weight of all liquid above it and could cause immediate failure. This is fairly common during start-up when the column becomes flooded and the immediate reaction is to lower the level as rapidly as possible.
Steaming out a column
Many columns are operated on steam-water prior to start-up in order to check out instrumentation. Caution must be exercised to assure that steam is not condensed during this operation. Condensing steam can result in a downward-acting differential pressure across a tray which may exceed the mechanical strength of the tray and cause failure.
Water in a column
Many trays are installed and tested for tightness and may even be seal-welded to insure against leakage. As a result of the tray leakage tests or from washing out the column during the shutdown procedure, water may remain in the column. If the feed to the column is extremely hot, this water left in the column may be vaporized instantaneously, causing an increase in vapor rate. Liquid may also be lifted into the trays above. The net effect is damage to the trays.
Pressure surges
All columns should be designed so any change in pressure causes an upward flow of vapor instead of a downward flow. In the case of vacuum columns, the valve used to change from vacuum to atmospheric pressure should ideally be located near the bottom of the column. If the temperature or contents in that zone prohibit location of the valve in that area, the valve may be located at the top of the column. However, its size must be restricted to ½ - ¾". A larger valve may permit too large a quantity of air or inerts to enter the column. If trays have a liquid level on them, the vapor will not be able to flow downward through the tray freely. This can create a high pressure differential and cause failure. Similar situations have been noted where rupture disks have been located in the lower part of the column at pressures above atmospheric."
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RE: Trapped Water Risk